Safety Rules
The following constitute the policies of Lenape Valley Baseball Association (LVBA) with regard to awareness and prevention of abuse within our organization.
  • LVBA is committed to provide a safe environment and to prevent child abuse and sexual misconduct.
  • LVBA will make every reasonable effort to ensure that every person involved in coaching/training a sport activity in our organization will abide by the SafeKids Program guidelines below.
  • LVBA will make every reasonable effort to exclude any adult with a legally documented history of child abuse/molestation or any other conviction or record that would bring unnecessary risk to the health and safety of the participants of our organization.
  • LVBA will take appropriate action on all allegations of child abuse and/or sexual misconduct. All allegations will be reported immediately to the authorities for investigation and LVBA will cooperate fully with any such investigation.
The following represent the preventative measures of our organization with regard to abuse:

  • Physical, mental, and verbal abuse of any of the participants, coaches, managers, and volunteers involved in our sponsored activities is not permitted.
  • Inappropriate touching of any kind is forbidden
  • We agree to provide more than one adult working at or overseeing every activity. If a child needs special attention (one-on-one training or an individual meeting), it will be handled with the assistance or presence of another adult.
  • Coaches should not socialize individually with participants outside of the sponsored activities of the organization.
  • Coaches should never ride alone with a child or participant in the car.

If a coach is requested to give the participant a ride to or from practice, the coach should save the requesting text or email. If the request is received by phone, the coach should confirm by text or email.

  • Below are the procedures for coaches to follow if a participant is stranded at an LVBA activity.
If a participant/player is stranded at an LVBA event (game, practice, etc.) alone with a coach, the coach should make every effort to contact the parents, guardians or emergency contacts. LVBA will provide a contact sheet that every participant will be expected to provide to their manager.  If no parent, guardian, or emergency contact can be reached, the coach will return the player to his home and remain until the participant has entered the home safely.If the participant cannot enter his home, the coach should take the participant to his own home until a parent, guardian or emergency contact can be reached.

  • Parents are encouraged to attend sponsored activities.

How to Report a Problem to LVBA

Participants and parents are encouraged to deal with any problems or disputes directly with the individual they have an issue with.For violations of the above rules, immediate intervention may be appropriate. For more subjective issues like playing time or coaching philosophy please consider a cooling off period of 24 hours before you approach the individual. Please understand we are a completely volunteer organization, and coaches and volunteers often do the best they can.If you do not get a satisfactory response from the individual, please use the following order of volunteers to pursue your answer. This list simply puts you closest to the volunteer that will most likely be able to resolve your issue.

Team Manager
Division Commissioner
Safety Officer/President of LVBA
VP of Little League
President of Little League


LV Baseball COVID Safety Plan 2021