Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities

  • President - The President shall:  
    • Conduct the affairs of the Local League and execute the policies established by the Board of Directors.  
    • Present a report of the condition of the Local League at the Annual Meeting.  
    • Communicate to the Board of Directors such matters as deemed appropriate, and make such suggestions as may tend to promote the welfare of the Local League.  
    • Be responsible for the conduct of the Local League in strict conformity to the policies, principles, Rules and Regulations of Little League Baseball, Incorporated, as agreed to under the conditions of charter issued to the Local League by that organization.  
    • Designate in writing other officers, if necessary, to have power to make and execute for/and in the name of the Local League such contracts and leases they may receive and which have had prior approval of the Board.   
    • Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions detrimental to the Local League and report thereon to the Board of Directors as circumstances warrant.   
    • Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors and be responsible for the proper execution thereof.  
    • With the assistance of the Player Agent, examine the application and support proof-of age documents of every player candidate and certify to residence and age eligibility before the player may be accepted for tryouts and selection.  
    • Preside over all regular and Special Board of Directors meetings.  
    • Act as the official spokesperson for the Local League.  Report the state of the Local League to the Lenape Valley Recreation Council (LVRC) from time to time whenever necessary.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.  
  • Vice President - The Vice President shall:  
    • Perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President, provided he or she is authorized by the President or Board so to act. When so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of that office. 
    • Perform such duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board of Directors or by the President.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.       
  • Secretary - The Secretary shall:  
    • Be responsible for recording the activities of the Local League and maintain appropriate files, email addresses and necessary records.  
    • Perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth, in addition to such other duties as are customarily incident to the office of Secretary or as may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.  
    • Maintain a list of all Regular Members, Directors and committee members and give notice of all meetings of the Local League, the Board of Directors and Committees.  
    • Keep the minutes of the meetings of the Members, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and cause them to be recorded.  
    • Conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated in connection with said meeting and shall be responsible for carrying out all orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise committed.  
    • Notify Members, Directors, Officers and committee members of their election or appointment.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.
  • Treasurer -  The Treasurer shall:  
    • Perform such duties as are herein set forth and such other duties as are customarily incident to the Office of Treasurer or may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.  
    • Receive all moneys and securities, and deposit same in a depository approved by the Board of Directors.  
    • Keep records for the receipt and disbursement of all moneys and securities of the Local League, approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks therefore in agreement with policies established in advance of such actions by the Board of Directors. All disbursements by check must have dual signatures.  
    • Prepare an annual budget, under the direction of the President, for submission to the Board of Directors for approval.     
    • Prepare an annual financial report, under the direction of the President, for submission to the Membership and Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting.  
    • Prepare monthly reports to be presented at the regular board meetings showing all revenues and expenses for that month and YTD.   
    • Prepare and file all financial records required by the Lenape Valley Recreation Council for tax purposes. 
    • Coordinate with the Snack Stand Coordinator and Fundraising Coordinator to accurately provide records of income / expenses of these departments.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.      
  • Player Agent. -  The Player Agent shall: 
    • Record all player transactions and maintain an accurate and up-to-date record thereof.  
    • Receive and review applications for player candidates and assist the President in verifying residence and age eligibility.  
    • Conduct the tryouts (if necessary), the player draft for appropriate Divisions and all other player transactions or team selection meetings.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.   
  • Safety Officer -  The Safety Officer shall:  
    • Be responsible to create awareness, through education and information, of the opportunities to provide a safer environment for children and all participants of Little League.  
    • Develop and implement a plan for increasing safety of activities, equipment and facilities through education, compliance and reporting.   
    • Complete all background checks per Little League Regulation I (b) and I (c) 8 & 9.  
    • Supervise the maintenance of all playing fields for any areas that may be considered a hazard and report such to the Board of Directors. 
    • Prepare and distribute first aid kits to all field boxes and snack stands and maintain them throughout the season.  
    • Perform such duties as are herein set forth and such other duties or as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.  
  • Coaching Coordinator -  The Coaching Coordinator shall:  
    • Represent managers/coaches of the Local League.  
    • Present a coach/manager training budget to the Board.  
    • Prepare and present to the Board of Directors for approval a league-wide training program.  
    • Upon approval by the Board, implement and manage the league-wide training program.  
    • Coordinate player and manager training clinics as needed.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.  

Member Roles and Responsibilities

  • Fundraising Coordinator - The Fundraising Coordinator shall:  
    • Solicit and secure local sponsorships to support league operations.  
    • Collect and review sponsorship and fundraising opportunities.   
    • Organize and implement Board approved league fundraising activities.   
    • Provide the Board with suggested fund raising options.  
    • Coordinate the necessary materials, volunteers, locations to execute fund raising projects.  
    • Account for overhead and profits in a report to the Treasurer at the conclusion of all fundraising projects.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.    
  • Field Maintenance Coordinator - The Field Maintenance Coordinator shall:  
    • Manage the operation of all playing fields in appropriate playing condition.   
    • Organize the purchase, storage and distribution of all field maintenance products.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws. 
  • Marketing and Social Media Coordinator -  The Marketing and Social Media Coordinator shall:  
    • Oversee new player recruitment efforts.  
    • Develop and maintain a league marketing plan focused on player recruitment and retention. 
    • Oversee efforts to market initiatives offered by the Local League.  
    • Promote the interests of the Local League on social media.  
    • Coordinate efforts to make the Local League visible in the community year-round.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.  
  • Umpire-in-Chief -  The Umpire-in-Chief shall:  
    • Serve as coordinator of the Local League umpiring program.  
    • Advise the President on Local League umpire program.  
    • Recommend volunteer umpires to President to serve the league.  
    • Recruit, review and retain volunteer umpires.  
    • Establish and implement an umpire training program for volunteer umpires consistent with Little League guidelines.  
    • Manage scheduling of volunteer umpires for all games in appropriate Divisions.  
    • Coordinate with any Board-approved umpiring services for umpiring Local League games.  
    • Communicate with the umpire in the case of a cancelled or rescheduled game to make certain an umpire is present when needed and not present when games are cancelled.  
    • Track records of payment to league umpires and keep records of their receipt of payments.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.     
  • Little League Tournament Director - The Little League Tournament Director shall:  
    • Prepare for the President’s signature and submission to the Little League District Administrator, Little League Tournament team rosters and all required documentation, including affidavits.  
    • Coordinate the necessary materials and volunteers required to host all Little League Tournament games.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws. 
  • Snack Stand Coordinator - The Snack Stand Coordinator shall:  
    • Maintain the operation of snack stand facilities.   
    • Organize the purchase of snack stand products.  
    • Responsible for the management of all snack stand sales.  
    • Organize, tally and keep records of concession sales and purchases.  
    • Account for overhead and profits in a report to the Treasurer at the conclusion of every week.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.     
  • Special Events Coordinator -  The Special Events Coordinator shall:  
    • Coordinate the necessary materials, volunteers, and locations to host league-wide events such as Opening Day, Picture Day, All-Star Games, and Closing Ceremony.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.     
  • Registration Coordinator - The Registration Coordinator shall:  
    • Set up online registration and ensure the league rosters are uploaded to the league website.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.     
  • Uniform Coordinator - The Uniform Coordinator shall:  
    • Organize the purchase and distribution of all uniforms to in-house commissioners or managers.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.      
  • Equipment Coordinator -  The Equipment Coordinator shall:  
    • Organize the purchase, storage, and distribution of all equipment to managers.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.  
  • Schedule Coordinator -  The Schedule Coordinator shall: 
    • Organize the In-House schedules for all Divisions and load to the league website.  
    • Manage all requested changes to game and practice schedules.  
    • Schedule all league-wide events on the league website.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.      
  • In-House Commissioner(s). - The In-House Commissioner(s) shall:  
    • Under the direction of the Coaching Coordinator, provide all appropriate direction and instruction to the managers and coaches of the respective Division in accordance with league by-laws.  
    • Set up the draft night to select the players for each team.
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.      
  • LVBA Webmaster - The Webmaster shall:  
    • Set up and manage the league’s official website (site authorized by Little League International).  
    • Assign online administrative rights to other local volunteers.  
    • Perform all other tasks as agreed upon by the Board of Directors and as documented in the Local League’s By-Laws.  
  • Single A Commissioner - The single A commissioner shall:  
    • Organizes Single-A players into teams.  
    • Solicit and oversee all Single-A baseball Manager/Coach activities with league.  
    • Coordinate with the LVBA in making sure that all safety issues are addressed as well as collecting manager/coach state/local volunteer clearances.  
    • Coordinate and communicate with teams to ensure that all managers, coaches, and players are receiving proper instruction and equipment.  
    • Coordinate with the LVBA board, Safety Officer and Managers/Coaches in executing all national rules and in developing and executing all local youth baseball rules and regulations.  
    • Attend monthly LVBA board meetings.  
    • Plan and organize end of season “Single A Appreciation Day” event.