Coaches Corner

First off, thank you so much for donating your time and efforts to being a Lenape Valley Baseball coach.  We know it is not easy and can be very time consuming but LVBA could not happen without you tireless efforts!  We cannot thank you enough!  

This page has been designed for YOU, the coaches.  Here we will post the latest news and tips for you provided by either your Divisional Commissioners or LVBA's Coaching Coordinator.  Should you need help or have any questions please reach out to your respective Commissioner or Coaching Coordinator.  


Lenape Valley Training Drill Book - A comprehensive guide to holding effective practices for kids of every age from Single A to Majors.  This book is your coaching holly grail and will guide you through the practice planning process.  

Download the Training Guide HERE

TIP - Make sure to have a plan for each practice BEFORE it starts and share it with your coaching staff.  Always be prepared.

TIP - Breaking the team up in to smaller "breakout" groups will help them stay engaged longer and give more reps to each player.  Utilize those assistant coaches!

TIP - As the season progresses and it becomes harder to keep them engaged throughout a practice, try saving the last 10-15 minutes of the scheduled practice time for a fun activity that the kids enjoy, even if it's not directly related to baseball!  This will give them something to earn throughout the practice.  

TIP - Make it fun!!!  It sounds simple, but it's important.  Try turning drills in to games or contests...see who can go the longest on a given drill before missing.  They can all take turns trying to break the leading record.  


Links to the latest rules by division:

Single A

Double A

Triple A



Visit pitching rules HERE


Coaching Coordinator, Chris Felton -

Commissioners by division:

Single A/QuickballBill
Double A - NLSteve
Double A - ALTerry
Triple AFred